“Парис 2024” Олимпын медалийн эх загварыг зохион байгуулах хорооноос танилцуулжээ

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Хүн төрөлхтний спортын их баяр цэнгэл, зуны XXXIII Олимпын наадам ирэх 7 дугаар сарын 26-наас 8 дугаар сарын 11-ний өдрүүдэд Францын нийслэл Парис хотноо зохиогдох билээ. “Парис 2024” Олимпын шилдэг тамирчдын амжилтын баталгаа болох медалийн эх бүтээлийг зохион байгуулах хорооноос танилцууллаа.

Олон улсын олимпын хорооны зөвлөмжийн дагуу медалийн нүүрэн талд Грекийн ялалтын бурхан Никэ болон “Афин 1896” анхдугаар Олимпын наадам өрнөсөн Панатинаикос цэнгэлдэх хүрээлэнг дүрсэлснээс гадна Парис хотын бэлгэ тэмдэг Эйфелийн цамхгийн дүрсийг багтаажээ. Харин ард талд нь 1887-1889 онд Эйфелийн цамхгийг сэргээн засварлах үед гарсан төмөр хэлтэрхий хэсгүүдээр эх газар дахь Франц улсыг санагдуулах зургаан өнцөгтийг урласан байна.

“Парис 2024” Олимп болон Паралимпын медалийн хэмжээ нь 9.2 мм зузаан, 85 мм диаметртэй байх ба медаль тус бүр Эйфелийн цамхгийн 18 г төмөр агуулах бөгөөд алтан медаль 529 г /цэвэр алт 6 г/, мөнгөн медаль 525 г, хүрэл медаль 455 г жинтэйгээр нийт 5084 ширхэг хийгдэх аж.

Энэ удаагийн наадмын медалийн загварыг 240 гаруй жилийн түүхтэй Францын гоёл чимэглэлийн Чаумет /Chaumet/ брэнд хамтран бүтээсэн бөгөөд нарны туяа болон гэрлийн тусгал медалийг түлхүү чамин харагдуулна хэмээн онцоллоо.

The Paris 2024 Games medals

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33 thoughts on ““Парис 2024” Олимпын медалийн эх загварыг зохион байгуулах хорооноос танилцуулжээ

  1. Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

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  2. Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  3. Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

  4. Hey Guys,

    Warning: From February 2024, all existing email autoresponders will become obsolete!

    In fact, if you want to send marketing emails, promotional emails, or any other sort of emails starting in February 2024, you’ll need to comply with Gmail’s and Yahoo’s draconic new directives.

    They require regular marketers like you and I to setup complex code on sending domains… and existing autoresponders like Aweber and GetResponse are not helping: they’re requesting you do all the work, and their training is filled with complex instructions and flowcharts…

    How would you like to send unlimited emails at the push of a button all with done-for-you DMARC, DKIM, SPF, custom IPs and dedicated SMTP sending servers?

    What I mean by all of that tech talk above, is that with ProfitMarc, we give you pre-set, pre-configured, DONE-FOR-YOU email sending addresses you can just load up and mail straight away.

    We don’t even have any “setup tutorials” like other autoresponders either, because guess what: we already did all the setup for you!

    All of our built-in sending addresses and servers are already pre-warmed with Gmail and Yahoo and they’re loving us: 99% inbox rate is the average!

    ⇒ Grab your copy here! ⇒ https://ext-opp.com/ProfitMarc

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